Monday, October 5, 2009

'ng' ? 'zhenyoong' ? or '___' ?

everytime talking to foreigners (oh no, i'm one too) , everytime when i want to introduce myself, this awkwardness appears everytime...(omg, 3 everytime in 1 sentence==)
"juz call me 'ng',"
"juz 'ng'??"
"ya, 'ng' " (weird~)
"juz call me 'zhenyoong',"
" 'zhenyoong'?"
and after that everyone forgets what's my name and i have to repeat once more..

couldn't think of a special yet meaningful yet not-too-weird english name
any good suggestions??

it's so dusty here in my room
don't know where to find a broom to sweep the floor at least....for the first time lol

spent another 970 for textbook==
dang(a new slang learned from a new frenXD) C programming

Haeuk reminded me of local malaysian food...again~~~
juz thinking of tat makes me mouthwatering right now
tomyum, nasi lemak, laksa, ais kacang, cendol, mee rebus, sepetang curry mee... etc T.T
really have to write down a list
so that i won't miss any of those by the time i go home


  1. erm...
    luckily that i seldom using my english name here~
    if not~
    as i am the only one malaysian in my class~
    i think i should be worse off than you~
    text book=waste my money~
    i just buy 1 book(NT1000)~
    but after that i didnt use too~
    can i get back the NT1000 please?

  2. lol~
    Ng,ask ur fren call u sheep lor~XD
    in my eng class, my teacher call me
    khai huong~
    what textbook?so expensive...
    my eng textbook and another 1 story book
    only NT500~

  3. 程式设计-970

    wan sheep mer...scared later become shit

  4. hmm.... since everyone is using English here, I suppose there is no harm for me to use it too~

    well well, surely not sheep, then you would have to explain it to them why you are called that name. That would be even more awkward.

    Ivan? Or just pick a alphabet that you would like to start with and I'll try to help out~

    Always here for you although I'm really really far away~


